An Introduction to COL Global

COL Securities (HK) Limited is committed more than ever to focus on individual customers' financial needs and goals regardless of age or income level by keeping them well-informed and well-equipped to take advantage of investment opportunities in the stock market.

In line with this mission, COLHK is excited to offer COL Global Access-- a platform that enables you to take advantage of investment opportunities worldwide and have the ability to invest in the best companies in the world.

Company Vision

To be the leading online financial services provider for Hong Kong and Philippine investors by becoming the company of choice, providing leadership, innovation and opportunities for growth. This will be achieved through continuous website feature upgrades, increased research coverage and introduction of innovative products.

Company Mission

To help the Investors, regardless of age or income, achieve financial freedom and ensure long-term shareholder value by delivering best-in-class online financial products and services driven by our core competence in technology, investor education and research. We are guided by our passion for excellence, good governance and values of integrity, teamwork and efficiency in an enriching work environment.

Company Profile

COL Securities (HK) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of COL Financial Philippines which is a leading online stock brokerage firm in the Philippines. It is the first and only online stockbroker to list in the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE) with a total paid-up capital of over Php 0.5 billion.

The Company was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission on 16 August 1999 and started commercial operations on 1 January 2001 and is a registered Trading Participant of the PSE since 13 December 2006. The Company owns 100% of COL Securities (HK) Limited, a participant of the Hong Kong Exchanges. Its management team is composed of professionals in the financial and information technology industries, as well as entrepreneurs with decades of experience in the stock brokerage industry.

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Products and Services

Smart Tools


Find a personal updated summary and overview of your investment portfolio and trade waiting for you once you log in to your account.

Quick Links
For those who are in a rush to catch a price move, use our quick links sidebar menu to instantly access your desired trading tool.

Live Charts
Monitor stock price movements and trends real time with our charting tool equipped with a multi-feature taskbar you can toggle to suit your preferences.

Watch List
List out your favorite stock picks using our Watch List feature under the Quotes tab.Find a personal updated summary and overview of your investment portfolio and trade waiting for you once you log in to your account.

Self Directed Trading


Streaming Market Data
24x7 portfolio access
Direct order entry
Off-hours trading capability

Expert Research and Opinion


Daily market updates
In-depth company reports
Up-to-date market strategy pieces
Timely technical analysis and market trend reports


Terms and Conditions           Risk Disclosures          Client Agreement

COL Global Access is a registered trademark for the service offered by COL Securities (HK) Limited a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong and licensed in the regulated activity of Securities Dealing AHF149.